Blog Post

My Rainbow after The Storm

Camilla Spencer

Happy Rainbow Baby Day!

August 22nd is the National Day of Celebration for rainbow babies! Honestly, every day is a celebration. A rainbow baby is a baby born after a previous loss from either a miscarriage, stillbirth, or death during infancy from other causes.

For me, rainbow baby day is a day of joy, peace and love! And a day of remembrance for my angel babies. To say that I have the opportunity to celebrate this day, is a blessing. Now, it didn’t start with such joy. For about seven years, my husband and I experienced two stillbirths and four first trimester miscarriages. That’s six losses, which is a lot, but we had so much hope and faith that we would have a beautiful baby in our arms one day. In which we did.

In our seventh year, after taking a much-needed break from getting pregnant, we became pregnant with our daughter. This pregnancy was very much anticipated and closely watched. When some doubted the continual progress and success of my pregnancy, I also had others that supported us and encouraged us through the process. I had the best care from my new physician who was diligent and attentive throughout my whole pregnancy.

Though this pregnancy wasn’t perfect, it ended with the perfect beginning. The birth of my beautiful baby girl! She has been the apple of our eye; she has helped mend relationships that seemed to be lost and more so, she loves like no other. My beauty, as I call her, is the perfect addition to our family. The timing of her birth came at the time when I needed her most.

When I think back on everything that has happened, I can’t help but think of the significance of this beautiful child, my rainbow baby. My beauty was pregnancy number seven, with seven being the number of perfection and completion, this give the narrative to my story. As I share this with you, I hope to encourage you. If you have experienced loss, remember there is hope. Encompass yourself with those who will encourage and uplift you. And when your day comes, it will be the best yet. Because the storm will only last for a season, but a rainbow will always follow.

If you are on the other side of your storm and have your rainbow baby, I would love to hear your story. Y0u can contact me at

Photo Credit: T. Reichert Photography

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